Benefit for Ron Sarfaty
Hosted by Lee Hirsch and Sandy Ross

Date: Sunday, May 5, 2013
Time: 7:00pm until 11:00pm
Location: The Talking Stick Coffee Lounge
1411 Lincoln Boulevard, Venice, California 90291
Ron Sarfaty ("the guy in the wheel chair" who video tapes the singer-songwriters all over Los Angeles) totaled his accessible van a couple of weeks ago. He was bruised up a lot, but is now doing fine.
The Los Angeles singer-songwriter community is coming together in support.
Songwriters in-the-round with
Wendy Waldman, John Batdorf,
Dave Tucker and James Lee Stanley
and additional performances by:
Lauren Adams · Severin Browne
Fur Dixon · Susie Glaze · Jeff Gold
Earl Grey & Lisa Johnson
Tom Hubbard & Ken Holme (H2)
Michael Wesley Hughes · Arlene Kole
John Mollenhauer · Dave Morrison
Lisa Nemzo · Tracy Newman · Tara Sitser
Gary Stockdale · Ric Taylor
Tim Tedrow & Terry Vreeland · Jaynee Thorne
Ed Tree · Chad Watson & Pam Loe
Joyce Woodson · John Zipperer
In addition, an upstairs song circle will be hosted by
Tom Hubbard & John Mollenhauer
Ron has been a major asset to the singer-songwriter community for 11 years, video-taping performers at their gigs and editing the videos for them, all for free. Never charging a dime. He has insurance for the van (it was 18 years old with 250,000 miles), but it is for current value only and not replacement value.
A core group of some of Ron's closest friends has come together to make this event happen. This group includes: Jaynee Thorne, John & Julie Zipperer, Roz Larman, Jeff Gold & Holly Goldsmith, Paul Zollo, and Russ & Julie Paris.
Ron has always been there for the music community, for the love of the music and the people who make it. We hope you can join us at The Talking Stick, Sunday May 5, 2013, so we can be there for him.
Please join us in leading a hand to this very kind and generous man.
If you wish to DONATE you can use either of the following methods:
- Use PayPal to do a "Transfer," use as the email address for Ron's account. Be aware that a usage fee applies (up to 5%). Go to PayPal.
- Or to make your donation tax deduction go to Sweet Relief Musicians Fund webpage A usage fee applies (2% goes to overhead and 7% goes to other musicians in need).