1. Severin Browne & James Coberly Smith (2/97)
2. Steve Noonan & Penny Nichols (10/97)
3. Lowen & Navarro (11/97)
4. The Painted iD (3/98)
5. Darryl Purpose with Daryl S. (6/98)
6. John Hall (10/98)
7. Freebo (11/98)
8. Venice Showcase featuring: Tim Moyer, John Vester and Anastasia & John (12/98)
9. Laurie Z. (1/99)
10. Penny Nichols & David West (2/99)
11A. John Welborn (3/99)
11B. Anastasia & John (3/99)
12. SeeSaw (Michael Monagan & Friends) (4/99)
13. Severin Browne & James Coberly Smith (5/99)
14. Darryl Purpose with Daryl S. (6/99)
15. Doug Haywood (7/99)
16. Soul Dogs (9/99)
17. Joel Rafael Band (10/99)
18. Bill Payne (11/99)
19. John Hall & Freebo (11/99)
20. Cindy Kalmenson (1/00)
21. Dogwood Moon (2/00)
22. Laurel Massé (3/00)
23. Mary McCaslin (4/00)
24. Laurence Juber (5/00)
25. Doug Ingoldsby with Jeff Pevar (6/00)
26. Jim Savarino (7/00)
27. Sisters Morales (8/00)
28. Angels Of Venice (9/00)
29. James Lee Stanley (10/00)
30. Songwriters-in-the-round with: Severin Browne, Penny Nichols, Freebo & Deborah McColl (12/00)
31. Doug Haywood with Rick Cunha (1/01)
32. John Vester & Marky Lennon with John Yoakum (2/01)
33. Laurel Massé (3/01)
34. Wendy Waldman & Kenny Edwards (4/01)
35. John Beland (5/01)
36. Tim Moyer (6/01)
37. Cache Valley Drifters (7/01)
38. Lowen & Navarro (8/01)
39. Small Potatoes (9/01)
40A. Left Of Memphis (10/01)
40B. Jonathan McEuen (10/01)
41. Venice (11/01)
42. Songwriters-in-the-round with: Severin Browne, Penny Nichols, & Freebo (12/01)
43. John McEuen (1/02)
44A. Kate Bennett (2/02)
44B. Amilia K. Spicer (2/02)
45. Harold Payne (3/02)
46A. Robert Morgan Fisher (4/02)
46B. Debra Davis (4/02)
47. David Roth (5/02)
48A. Claudia Russell with Bruce Kaplan (6/02)
48B. Darryl Purpose with Julie Beaver (6/02)
49A. Mare Lennon (7/02)
49B. Caroline Aiken (7/02)
50. Joel Rafael Band (8/02)
51. Sisters Morales (9/02)
52A. Brett Perkins (10/02)
52B. Chuck Pyle (10/02)
53. Bryndle: Karla Bonoff, Kenny Edwards & Wendy Waldman (11/02)
54. Jonathan McEuen (12/02)
55. John McEuen (1/03)
56. Chris Hillman & Herb Pedersen (2/03)
57. Jude Johnstone (3/03)
58. Severin Browne & James Coberly Smith (4/03)
59. Kieran Halpin (5/03)
60. Laurence Juber (6/03)
61A. Antara & Delilah (7/03)
61B. Jim Messina (7/03)
62. NFT: Nathan McEuen & Friends (8/03)
63. Lou & Peter Berryman (9/03)
64A. Cosy Sheridan (10/03)
64B. James Lee Stanley (10/03)
65A. Michael McNevin (11/03)
65B. Paul Kamm & Eleanore MacDonald (11/03)
66. Penny Nichols with Patrick Landeza & Friends (12/03)
67. Tom Corbett Band (1/04)
68. The Kennedys (2/04)
69. Steve Gillette & Cindy Mangsen (3/04)
70. Music Heals benefit with Kiki Ebsen, Debra Davis, Hollye Dexter, Joy Bonner & Tracey Brown (4/04)
71. Gravity (5/04)
72. The Rincon Ramblers (6/04)
73A. Robby Longley (7/04)
73B. Michael Chapdelaine (7/04)
74. Lowen & Navarro (8/04)
75. Berkley Hart (9/04)
76. Songwriters-in-the-round with: John M., Garret Swayne & Wade Biery (10/04)
77A. Eric Hansen (11/04)
77B. Jeff Black (11/04)
78. Wendy Waldman & Kenny Edwards with special guest Katy Moffatt (12/04)
79A. Jonathan Pointer (1/05)
79B. Jeff Young (1/05)
80A. Amy Kuney (2/05)
80B. Alan O'Day (2/05)
81. Wayne Johnson & Jeff Pevar (3/05)
82A. Tim Tedrow & Terry Vreeland (4/05)
82B. Small Potatoes (4/05)
83. David Roth (5/05)
84A. Jennifer Spector (6/05)
84B. Banshee In The Kitchen (6/05)
85. GrooveLily (7/05)
86. Kiki Ebsen & Suzanne Paris (9/05)
87. Freebo & Jim Photoglo (10/05)
88. Gerry O'Beirne (11/05)
89. Jonathan McEuen & Phil Salazar (12/05)
90A. Mark Goldenberg (1/06)
90B. emith (1/06)
91. Willson & McKee (2/06)
92. The Buccaneers (3/06)
93. Jude Johnstone (4/06)
94. The Tatters: Mary Z. Wilson, Erika Harding, and Claudia Craig (5/06)
95. Ronny Cox (6/06)
96A. Ilsey Juber (7/06)
96B. Laurence Juber (7/06)
97. Houston Jones (8/06)
98A. Jenny Yates (9/06)
98B. Deborah Holland (9/06)
99. Naked To The World (10/06)
100. Andrew Gold (11/06)
101. The Surf City All-Stars (12/06)
102. 10th Anniversary House Concert: Tom Begich, Severin Browne & James Coberly Smith, Penny Nichols with Michael Monagan, Wendy Waldman, Lowen & Navarro with Phil Parlapiano, James Lee Stanley, Laurence Juber, Berkley Hart, and Freebo & Jim Photoglo (1/07)
103. Richard Berman (2/07)
104. Kimberley Dahme (3/07)
105. Jeff Larson with Hank Linderman (4/07)
106. Peppino D'Agostino (5/07)
107. John Batdorf & James Lee Stanley (6/07)
108. Paul Kamm & Eleanore MacDonald (7/07)
109. The Folk Collection (8/07)
110. Blame Sally (9/07)
111. Michael & Kipp Lennon (9/07)
112. Annie Gallup (10/07)
113. Berkley Hart (12/07)
114. Darryl Purpose with Daryl S. (1/08)
115. Artie Traum & Wendy Waldman (2/08)
116. John Young (3/08)
117. Walter Egan (3/08)
118. Stevie Coyle (4/08)
119. Laura Love with Orville Johnson (5/08)
120. Brad Colerick with Rob Laufer (6/08)
121. Tripping the '60s featuring Barry McGuire with John York (6/08)
122. Sligo Rags (7/08)
123. The Duo-tones (8/08)
124. Steve Postell & Friends (9/08)
125. Eliza Jane with Joel Tepp (10/08)
126. Ellis Paul with Flynn (11/08)
127. Gravity 180 (12/08)
128A. Peter Gallway (1/09)
128B. Doug Ingoldsby (1/09)
129. Steve Gillette & Cindy Mangsen (2/09)
130A. Bill & Kate Isles (3/09)
130B. John Batdorf (3/09)
131. Matt Cartsonis, David P. Jackson, Jr. and Van Dyke Parks (4/09)
132A. Tracy Newman and the Reinforcements (5/09)
132B. Maria Dunn (5/09)
133. Rosemary Butler & Friends (6/09)
134A. emith (7/09)
134B. Eric Schwartz (7/09)
135A. Susie Glaze and the Hilonesome Band (8/09)
135B. Fur Dixon and Steve Werner (8/09)
136. Stonehoney (9/09)
137A. John Wort Hannam (10/09)
137B. Stephanie Bettman & Luke Halpin (10/09)
138A. Chuck Pyle (11/09)
138B. Cindy Kalmenson (11/09)
139. Houston Jones (12/09)
140. Alex DePue & Miguel De Hoyos (1/10)
141. The Cache Valley Drifters (2/10)
142A. Lori Lieberman (3/10)
142B. Jude Johnstone (3/10)
143. Incendio (4/10)
144A. Michael Chapdelaine (5/10)
144B. Claudia Nygaard (5/10)
145. Joe Craven (6/10)
146A. Cathy-Anne McClintock (7/10)
146B. Jon Pousette-Dart (7/10)
147. "The Wrecking Crew" film Benefit Concert with Steve Postell, Stevie Gurr, Freebo, Dale LaDuke, Richard Martinez, Mari Wilson, John Batdorf, Amy Raasch, (8/10)
148A. Jack Tempchin (9/10)
148B. I See Hawks In L.A. (9/10)
149A. Jill Knight Trio (10/10)
149B. Kimberley Dahme (10/10)
150. Freebo & Friends (11/10)
151. John McEuen (12/10)
152. Jeff Larson (1/11)
153. Nathan Rogers (2/11)
154. Marshall Crenshaw (3/11)
155A. Jack Williams (4/11)
155B. Ronny Cox (4/11)
156. Claudia Russell and the Folk Unlimited Orchestra (5/11)
157A. Johan Seige (6/11)
157B. Caroline Aiken (6/11)
158. Laurence Juber (7/11)
159. Tripping the '60s featuring Barry McGuire with John York (8/11)
160. Blame Sally (9/11)
161. Nathan McEuen and Matt Cartsonis with Craig Eastman and Mark "Pocket" Goldberg (10/11)
162A. Jaime Michaels (11/11)
162B. Severin Browne (11/11)
163A. John Batdorf (12/11)
163B. The Koles (12/11)
164. Teresa James and Debra Dobkin (1/12)
165A. Sabrina & Craig (2/12)
165B. Lou & Peter Berryman (2/12)
166. John Flynn (3/12)
167A. Bev Barnett & Greg Newlon (4/12)
167B. Robert Earl Longley (4/12)
168. Jorge Calderón (5/12)
169A. Jack Brown (6/12)
169B. James Hurley (6/12)
170. Fran Snyder (6/12)
171. James Lee Stanley (7/12)
172. The Folk Collection (8/12)
173A. Ali Handal (9/12)
173B. Janet Robin (9/12)
174A. Angelo M. (10/12)
174B. The Salty Suites (10/12)
175. Berkley Hart (11/12)
176. Doug Ingoldsby with Jeff Pevar (12/12)
177. Steve Seskin, Craig Carothers, and Don Henry (1/13)
178. Big Wide Room (1/13)
179. Small Potatoes (2/13)
180A. Terry Holder with Jerry Holder (3/13)
180B. John Zipperer & Friends (3/13)
181A. Kevin Fisher (4/13)
181B. Beth Fitchet Wood (4/13)
182. Jail Guitar Doors USA Benefit Concert with Wayne Kramer and Jason Heath & The Greedy Souls (5/13)
183A. Jeni & Billy (6/13)
183B. Susie Glaze and the Hilonesome Band (6/13)
184. A.J. Croce (7/13)
185. Walter Egan (8/13)
186. Peppino D'Agostino (9/13)
187. Tom Corbett Trio (11/13)
188. Wendy Waldman (12/13)
189. Rosemary Butler (1/14)
190. Joe Craven and Mike Mullins (1/14)
191A. Sandy Cash (2/14)
191B. Richard Berman (2/14)
192. Johnsmith (3/14)
193. Bill & Kate Isles (4/14)
194. Chris Webster & Nina Gerber (5/14)
195. Vance Gilbert (6/14)
196. Jill Knight Trio (7/14)
197. Venice (8/14)
198. The Kennedys (9/14)
199. Kerry Patrick Clark (10/14)
200. Houston Jones (11/14)
201A. Gary Stockdale (12/14)
201B. Dan Frechette & Laurel Thomsen (12/14)
202. Iain Matthews with Egbert Derix (1/15)
203. Tracy Newman and the Reinforcements (2/15)
204. Sabrina & Craig (3/15)
205. Ronny Cox (5/15)
206. Laurence Juber (7/15)
207. Dan Navarro (8/15)
208. Flagship Romance (8/15)
209A. The Honey Dewdrops (9/15)
209B. Honey Whiskey Trio (9/15)
210A. Adam Levy (10/15)
210B. Melissa Greener (10/15)
211. Red Moon Road (11/15)
212. Berkley Hart (12/15)
213. Steve Seskin, Craig Carothers, and Don Henry (1/16)
214. Jim Kweskin (2/16)
215. Jon Pickow, Susie Glaze and the Hilonesome Trio, and Joellen Lapidus (3/16)
216. Snowapple (4/16)
217. Alice Wallace (5/16)
218. Pat Donohue (6/16)
219. Lori Lieberman (7/16)
220. Melanie (7/16)
221. Rod MacDonald (8/16)
222. Rebecca Folsom (9/16)
223. Corinne West (10/16)
224. Beth Wood and Larry Murante (11/16)
225. Jeni Hankins & Friends (11/16)
226. Eric Andersen and his band with Albert Lee sitting in (4/17)
227. Rick Roberts (6/17)
228. The Mae Trio (8/17)
229. John Flynn (9/17)
230. Jim Kweskin (1/18)
231. Iain Matthews (2/18)
232. Christie Lenée (6/18)
233. Venice (7/18)
234. Phil Salazar and the Kinfolk (8/18)
235. Bettman & Halpin (9/18)
236. Sarah McQuaid (9/18)
237. Tracy Grammer (10/18)
238. Susie Glaze and Lauren Sheehan (1/19)
239. Small Potatoes (2/19)
240. Johnsmith (3/19)
241. Laurence Juber (4/19)
242. Jack Williams (5/19)
243. Ryanhood (6/19)
244. Alice Wallace (7/19)
245. hONEyhoUSe (8/19)
246. The Quitters (9/19)
247A. John Zipperer (11/19)
247B. Jaspar Lepak (11/19)
248. Jonathan McEuen (12/19)
249. Naked to the World (1/20)
250. Tom Chapin (2/20)
251. Chris Webster & Nina Gerber (3/20)
252. The Black Feathers (4/22)
253. Christie Lenée (10/22)
254. The Refugees (1/23)
255. Heather Pierson (5/23)
256. Jim Kweskin (10/23)
257. Tom Chapin (2/24)
258. John Batdorf (5/24)
259. The Honeysuckle Possums (7/24)
260. James Lee Stanley & Laurence Juber (11/24)