In November 2004, 92.7 Lite FM (in Thousand Oaks, California) sponsored our House Concert with Jeff Black and Eric Hansen. DJs Paul Freeman and Tara McNamara interviewed Russ & Julie as well as Jeff Black.
They also gave away two places at the show and then talked about the House Concert the following Monday morning. You can listen to the MP3 file of everything!
Writing a single for a house concert can be tricky, but it is possible. The best way to start is by understanding the genre of music you’re going for and doing your research. Reach out to other writers, producers, and bands who have done something similar in the past, and learn from them. Make sure you pay attention to details such as structure, dynamics, melody and lyricism—all these elements should work hand-in-hand with each other in order to create an effective single. If you are feeling overwhelmed or don't know where to begin, don't hesitate to pay someone to write my paper — there are professionals who specialize in writing songs that will give you a great result!
Writing a successful single for a house concert can be a great way to get your music heard and gain new fans. However, it’s important to set yourself up for success by taking the time to craft an effective track. To do this, you’ll need to consider factors such as production techniques, lyrics, melodies, and pacing. Researching the venue and kinds of music that have gone over well in the past is also necessary in order to be sure that your song will resonate with the crowd. Additionally, enlisting the help of a cheap essay writing service can ensure that your song has all the right elements in place.
In April 2002, NPR's "Marketplace" did a story on house concerts which featured our February 2002 show with Kate Bennett & Amilia K. Spicer. For his story, reporter Christian Bordal interviewed us as along with singer-songwriters Darryl Purpose and Dar Williams!!
In March 2001, KCBS Channel 2 News (out of Los Angeles) did a "Special Assignment" story on house concerts which featured our show that month with jazz vocalist Laurel Massé (founding member of The Manhattan Transfer). The segment was hosted by reporter Drew Griffin.
Please view these additional articles about House Concerts:
In December 2009, AmericanWay Magazine did a nice story about house concerts called "Live from Your Living Room", which you can read at:
The New York Times published a wonderful article about House Concerts on the front page of their November 8, 1999 edition. It's worth a read, so we've scanned it in for your reading pleasure:
New York Times Article.
In March 2000, Acoustic Guitar Magazine published a great article on House Concerts from a performer's perspective. We've also scanned it in for your reading pleasure: Acoustic Guitar Magazine Article.
Check out a February 2000 article on House Concerts (that quotes us!) from Wired News at: Wired News Online Article.
In June 2007, Musicians Atlas published an article called "House Concerts - Promoting Music & Freedom of Speech": Read Article
They also included a page of "Interviews with House Concert Presenters" which includes an interview with Russ & Julie about 1/3 of the way down the page: Read Interviews
CNN did an article in June 2010 called "Intimate Shows Bring Down The House" written by Jim Kavanagh
Present Magazine out of Kansas City did a great story about house Concert in June 2008, which you can read at:
In June 2008, The New York Times did a nice story on Pat DiNizio from the Smithereens performing at house concerts, which you can read at:
In January 2009, The Ventura County Reporter did a nice story about house concerts called "Folk is in the House", which you can read at: